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Looking to source a Professional Contractor?

As a contractor management company SDP have built up a strong network of contractors. We regularly keep in contact with our contractors and recently many of them have expressed interest in being informed of potential contracting opportunities. With many of our clients in the recruitment and consultancy industry we can provide, where it exists, opportunities between both parties.

We therefore facilitate access to these candidates; if a recruiter, employer or consultant agency wishes to source a candidate through this method; they should complete the Contact Form with brief a job description and contact details. SDP will pass on the information to relevant contractors who will then initiate contact.

SDP is not a recruitment agency; we are a contractor management company which also offers outsourced back office services including accounting and payroll. We strive to provide excellence in contractor care; providing attractive benefit programs to our contractors and to our clients.


  • Quick way of accessing experienced professional contractors
  • Access to wide range of contractors across many industries
  • Access to professional contractors looking for work opportunities
“I would have no hesitation in recommending SDP, Raj and the team have provided us with great service with our contractor management. Their commitment and desire to get things done professionally and to the highest standard is particularly strong. From the outset I felt confident in outsourcing not only the management of TWR’s contingent workforce but also the finance and accounting operations to SDP.

Dave McKillop, Talent Web Recruitment

Interested in sourcing a professional contractor?

Fill out the contact form here