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Tax treatment of candidate databases. Source:

Author: Paul Masters, Tax Partner, Deloitte


Tax issues associated with candidate databases
One of the most valuable assets your business owns is the candidate database. Amongst other things, its value will depend on the quality of the information stored, how current it is and how easy it is to access.

This article focuses on the tax ramifications associated with a candidate database that is acquired as part of a recruitment business. The issues can be quite subjective and every situation varies. The important consideration is that a well structured digital database with details of interviews, reference checks, salary expectations, likes, dislikes, etc will potentially provide the business that acquires it with the opportunity to claim depreciation for taxation purposes.
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Change in NSW Payroll Tax

NSW Payroll Tax Reforms Budget 2013 SDP Solutions


SDP welcome the recent NSW Budget measures, the announcement for payroll tax reforms to boost jobs and will aim to kick-start business with payroll tax relief.

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South Australia State Budget 2013: Payroll tax relief for small business (Source: adapted from


payroll tax, SDP Solutions, Contractor management company offering tax advice


The recent announced plans for this year’s State Budget see that businesses will be rewarded with payroll tax concessions, more money for training and a suite of more modest support measures.


Basically the Government will cut payroll tax in half for businesses with a payroll of up to $1 million, in a temporary measure for two years which will provide a maximum saving of up to $9800.

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