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All posts in recruitment agencies

SDP Briefing Sessions

sDPbriefing ENEWS jpegFollowing the success of the Briefing session on the recent HR and WHS Developments held in Sydney for recruiters within the on-hire space.  SDP will now be hosting an Evening Briefing in Brisbane next week for Recruiters and those engaging contractors and temps.

These briefing sessions are the first of many which aim to provide relevant legislative, compliance and operational information to recruitment organisations.
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Candidate Experience: Candidates just want to Be Loved….Is that so wrong?

Candidate Experience Goes a Long Way

candidate care

Within the recruiting industry, it’s hard to get away from candidate experience.  It’s one of those hot topics right now that everyone is talking about.  There is a heavy emphasis on the importance of treating candidates better.  With the recruitment industry in Australia being extremely competitive, recruiters must go the extra mile to stay on top and providing a good candidate experience is at the centre of this.

Ask anyone in business what is the most important part of your business … it is the PEOPLE.  This is from end-users, clients, customers, employees.  Having a strategy in place to keep these experiences positive equals a recipe for success.

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SDP Breakfast Briefing – HR and WHS Developments

legislative, compliance and operational information to recruitment organisations.

Graham Firth, HR Consultant from SDP

This morning SDP hosted their first Breakfast Briefing, the first of many sessions to provide relevant legislative, compliance and operational information to recruitment organisations.

Today’s session, hosted by Graham Firth, HR Consultant from SDP, focused on an update of the changes to legislation and compliance that impact recruitment agencies, more specifically in the on-hire space.

The New Bullying and Harassment laws that arrived on 1st January, the Work Health Safety obligations and changes to the Privacy laws which will come in to practice March 2014 were discussed in detail. 
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