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Why More People are moving into Contracting

Contractor Management Solutions Contracting can be a scary word for some people; thoughts of job insecurity, remaining compliant at all times, loads of paperwork, and a lack of company benefits can be off-putting for those looking for work. However, contracting has distinct advantages that should not be overlooked by those on the job hunt, such as increased job flexibility, more earning potential, and greater control over finances. So read on, and perhaps you will be motivated to take the plunge into the exciting world of contracting!
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Temporary Workforce Booming

Increase in temporary work

Temporary work increasesAn international study conducted by Page Personnel shows Australia now has the second highest percentage of temporary workers anywhere in the world with nearly 4 percent of our total working population employed on a temporary basis. The increase of enterprise bargaining in the workforce, a decline in the proportion of firms with closed union shops and a growth in the use of human resource firms have all been among the factors that have led to a huge increase in the propensity for employers to use temporary labour. This trend is mirrored across the world, according to the study which found three in five of all professionals and one in three employers expected to see a rise in the need for temporary employment in the future.