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All posts in Employers

Streamlining Contingent Workforce Management

Streamlining Contingent Workforce Management, Outsource or Manage In- House?

online contractor managementThe permanent recruitment market is changing and more Australian businesses are embracing contingent workforces.  With this growth it is essential that recruiters adapt and seek to improve processes and operations to manage this workforce effectively.

More and more agencies are investing in technology to improve efficiencies and streamline every day processes, and if you already haven’t done so it’s about time you did.  At SDP Solutions we offer recruitment agencies the choice of managing an automated, streamlined process in house through TemPay or alternatively outsourcing the management of their contractor and temp desk to SDP directly where a tailored solution can be built especially for your agency’s requirements.

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This is the year to become an independent IT contractor

Ever thought of becoming an Independent IT Contractor?

Contracting is no longer a last resort for technology pros, but a viable career path offering both financial and professional rewards.

A survey conducted by Mondo, a technology resourcing provider found that 48% of businesses plan to hire more independent IT contractors than full-time staff over the next 12 to 18 months, and 32% expect to increase their annual IT contractor budgets over the same period.

Mondo CEO, Michael Kirven, explains 2014 is the banner year for IT hiring, and explains why there’s never been a better time to explore opportunities as a contractor — and the payoffs can benefit both workers and employers.

These shifts show that while technology hiring is, thankfully, on the upswing, the real opportunities may no longer lie in full-time jobs.

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Higher hiring incentive for NSW Employers

NSW government announced higher hiring incentive

NSW government announced higher hiring incentive


The NSW government has boosted a payroll tax rebate for businesses that employ workers laid off in mass redundancies.

The initiative was announced on Tuesday by Premier Barry O’Farrell  and Treasurer Mike Baird; explaining that the rebate will rise from $5,000 to $6,000 which would give businesses an extra incentive to hire laid-off workers.

The initiative comes as the latest job figures showed NSW’s relative strength in testing economic times but recent large-scale industry readjustments has left a number of workers without jobs.

Mr. O’Farrell stated that “any job loss is concerning, but it is particularly worrying when retrenchments cause significant disruption to a region, or when those jobs are in a specialised field where there are limited opportunities for re-employment”. 
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