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All posts by SDP

Tax Rules to Change for Working Holiday Makers

Working Holiday Visa Tax Changes

Working Holiday Visa Tax Residency Rules to Change 2016In the 2015–16 Budget the Government announced that it will change the tax residency rules of temporary working holiday makers from that of resident, to that of non-resident, from 1 July 2016.
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Can you claim Living Away From Home Allowance? (LAFHA)

LAFHA – Living Away From Home Allowance

Are you Living Away from Home, Relocating or travelling?

LAFHA - are you eligible?  Allowance from living away from home while contracting or in employment

As a Contractor you may be eligible for a Living Away From Home Allowance. There are various factors involved in your individual situation that will determine whether you are eligible for LAFHA.
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Terminating an employee on a 457 visa – a guide for employers

Employers obligations when terminating a 457 visa employeeThe 457 visa program offers employers a great deal of benefits such as the ability to access top talent from around the world, to create competitive advantage through hiring people with skills that can’t be found locally, as well as increase diversity in the workplace.

For the sponsored employee a 457 sponsorship promises strong pay and work conditions, quality work experience and high living standards for the employee and his or her family.
Parties go into a sponsorship relationship assuming the placement will go well. Sometimes, however, despite the best of intentions, the relationship does not work out as planned.
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