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All posts by SDP

Tips to Improve your Money Management

5 Tips to manage your money better

Contractors - Money Management - Get your Budget Right

With the economy always changing money management is essential, in fact it is more important than ever.  Especially being a contractor sometimes finding yourself between contracts for a few months, or if you want to take a well-deserved break.  Being able to save money is a valuable skill to have and is especially useful to deal with changes in personal circumstances or challenging economic times should they arise.
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Unemployment rate jumps up to 6% in January

January 2016 sees the unemployment rate jump up

Australian unemployment jumps to 6% in JanuaryThe unemployment rate in Australia jumped to 6% in January from the previous year’s rate of 5.8% according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Jobs growth is not as strong as it looked a couple of months ago, but not as flat as the latest figures say it is.
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7 Reasons to bid farewell to paper timesheets

Out with the old and in with the new
time to bid farewell to manual paper timesheets and use online timesheets. Save time, money and resources and streamline your payroll process

Surprisingly, many businesses and recruitment agencies are still relying on paper timesheets for their employees and contingent workforce. Manual timesheets are dated in today’s fast-paced digital world – it is about time you joined the rest of us online.

Here are some of the common criticisms of paper times and reasons why you should consider replacing them.
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