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All posts by SDP

Get your Contractor Management fee down to 0%

0 mangement fees

Did you know it is possible to reduce or get your SDP management fee down to zero? Sounds too good to be true, but we are serious – no one’s pulling any legs here. It’s no skin of any one’s nose either.

At SDP Solutions, we know contractor management like the back of our hands, we been doing it for over 13 years. The business has grown from strength to strength and we want to look after the people who mean the most – our customers. SDP are the happy contractor’s people, we continuously seek to improve our service offerings and strive to provide the best value to you.

With our partners in Wealth Management, we have opened up the opportunity for all contractors to reduce or in many situations get their management fee down to zero. We pass the referral fees that we get from our partners to offset your fees. Depending on the products you subscribe, the referral fees could be higher than the fees you have paid us, as such you will get a credit back for those amounts.
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Don’t Be PLAYED, Get PAID!

We’ve all heard the saying ‘better late than never’, but scrap that we want on time, every time!

contractors get paid on time

If I had a dollar for every time a new contractor came on board with us because they were fed up of not getting paid on time, not getting the correct amount of even fed up of chasing payments… Well let’s just say I would have a lot of dollars.

Onboarding contractors and processing payroll for hundreds of contractors each week I know too well the importance of timely and correct payments to contractors.
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The Budget – What it means to you

budget 2016 affect on contractors and businessWith the Federal Budget 2016-17 announced, small businesses and middle income earners get the handouts, with promises to promote jobs and growth, control spending and make savings.

We have summarised some of the key areas that could affect you as an individual, a contractor and a business.
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