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Australia’s unemployment rate is worse than it looks: why workforce participation is falling


Adapted from an article by Myriam Robin

Australia’s unemployment rate is worse than it looks: why workforce participation is falling

Australia’s workforce participation is falling

Australia’s unemployment rate is described to be steady at 5.8%; however with a closer inspection workforce participation is falling.

December 2013 experienced:

  • 31,000 full-time jobs lost
  • 9,000 part-time jobs created

The workforce participation rate in Australia has been falling for close to a decade now; this could be because jobseekers are getting discouraged and just ‘giving up’, joining the ranks of what are commonly called the hidden unemployment, or it could be down to people choosing to do other things that work.  However some of the decline has been avoidable due to our ageing population. 
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Immigration Department data shows the number of work visas in Australia continue to climb


457 visas and working holiday visas for Australia grow

Number of working visitors continue to grow

The number of visitors to Australia with work rights continues to soar, despite the nation’s worsening job outlook.

New Immigration Department data shows;

  • Australia’s unemployment rate climbing towards 6%
  • the number of New Zealanders on special visas has risen to 625,000
  • 10% jump in young foreigners on working holidays to almost 180,000, as of December 31 last year.
  • 7.6% spike in numbers for the controversial 457 skilled visa to 170,000
  • Student visa numbers rose by 6.4% to 257,000
  • 6% increase in the number of temporary entrants in Australia to 1.82million
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Tax treatment of candidate databases. Source:

Author: Paul Masters, Tax Partner, Deloitte


Tax issues associated with candidate databases
One of the most valuable assets your business owns is the candidate database. Amongst other things, its value will depend on the quality of the information stored, how current it is and how easy it is to access.

This article focuses on the tax ramifications associated with a candidate database that is acquired as part of a recruitment business. The issues can be quite subjective and every situation varies. The important consideration is that a well structured digital database with details of interviews, reference checks, salary expectations, likes, dislikes, etc will potentially provide the business that acquires it with the opportunity to claim depreciation for taxation purposes.
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