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All posts by SDP

Withdrawing your Superannuation Fund

Why it’s a bad idea to withdraw your entire Superannuation fund in one lump sum

more superannuation is being withdrawn out of retirement accounts in lump sums instead of being taken out as a steady income streamOver the past two years, more superannuation is being withdrawn out of retirement accounts in lump sums rather than being taken out as a steady income stream.

Australian Prudential and Regulation Authority figures show in the 2014/15 financial year account holders withdrew a whopping $31.4 billion in lump sums as opposed to $29.5 billion being taken from accounts as a pension.

Also in 2013/14, lump sum withdrawals were higher than super savings taken as an income stream.

However, Australians are being warned that withdrawing your entire superannuation savings in one hit can be a bad financial move, particularly for those with larger balances.There are many things to consider before withdrawing all funds at once.
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Tips to Retain Margins on Fees and Improve Cash Flow

Recruiters: Tips to Retain Margins on Fees

Recruiters Tips to Retain your Margin on Fees and improve your cash flowOne of the top challenges facing recruitment professionals in today’s competitive market is how to retain margins.  Temp and contract desks gross profit as a % of sales remains under pressure and has put immense pressure on cash flow.


What can you do to retain margins and improve your cash flow?
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Increase your Take Home Pay with Salary Packaging

What’s holding you back from increasing your net income?

Salary Packaging take home more pay

That’s right, you can actually increase your take home pay with salary packaging and at SDP we are currently offering salary packaging at fees from 1%.

What’s Salary Packaging?

Salary Packaging is an Australian Tax Office (ATO) approved way of reducing the amount of income tax you pay by paying for items such as business expenses as a pre-tax salary payment.

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